Unlike the rest of the country there was No snow, No Ice and Nobody at the lake. Compared to the recent daytime temperatures it was a barmy 8 deg C. If there was any reason to cancel today's racing it should have been the Ireland vs Wales Rugby Test Match and perhaps the very light winds but that to my mind should never be used as an excuse to abandon racing.
So it appears that certain individuals have a massive influence and can decide for themselves when Racing will take place. Previous to last year when there were only eight or so racers I can see why this was the case. However, these decision making individuals seem to have forgotten that the membership practically doubled last year and that their recent actions could be construed as un-sporting (calling off racing prior to 15:00hrs) and perhaps selfish, meaning not reflecting the true feelings of all the NEW members
I still believe that to prevent such allegations being pointed at these people it would be prudent to set some Club ground rules in writing, for instance: (I haven't amended DST & GMT start times)
i) Racing will only be cancelled for the following reasons. Extreme weather conditions (not including light rain) flooding or lack of water
ii) The first start will not be before 13:00hrs
iii) The last start will not be after 15:00hrs (Maybe due to number of competitors we should lengthen this time duration to 15:30hrs)
iv) Racing can only be scored when 4 or more Club members participate
Having taken the time to go and see for myself the extent of the alleged frozen lake I can confirm that the Canada geese were floating and not standing on the lake. There was some ice but certainly not enough to prevent one of our normal size courses being laid in one of it's normal postions. So I find myself questioning what the real motive behind today's decision was..............and what will next weeks excuse be?
This photo was taken from the jetty looking out toward our normal Racing Area