Workshop Progress

Sol is now at a stage where the fuse gets put to one side and work starts on the wings, which is good timing as the servo extension leads arrived this morning.  The vee tail looks the biz and I have housed out the longerons for a nice fit, the tail has been pulled together incorporating the ply sub fin which will further be laminated in balsa.
Can't think what I've done to the Fourn a part from gluing the F1 nose formers in place.  Oh yes, I finished off the fuse turtle decking with 1/32 ply and 1 layer of fiber glass.  Doubt its added too much to the overall weight.  Now I'll fit the snakes and servo's before starting the wings.

A little bead of filler will be used in the above gap to help with the seating

Snakes held in place with spots of Gorrila glue and a fiber glass reinforced wing joiner plate

Fourn's fuse with a fiber glass on 1/32 balsa turtle deck