Been busy

Things have really progressed  well recently.  The Postman has also helped this recent spate of activity with the delivery of my new BRC 280 sail winch from Italy

This winch appears to be of good quality.  I hope I dont regret buying cheap! I use a phrase quite often which is 'buy cheap buy twice' This winch is relatively cheap at just over £125 inc P&P where as a RMG retails at £180+  But I have spoken to skippers who have had their RMG's for over 10yrs.  Time will tell!
So why is it on the scales?  I'll be postioning the winch on the Port side of the fin case with the battery on the other siade so I was just checking the difference in weights

11grams difference shouldn't be that noticeable and the corrector weights can be positioned to balance things up a bit.

 The fin aperture has been formed so I can attach that, above is the pattern which was taken off the Lintel and below is the Rig tension post positioned near the bow in order to transfer the jib forestay loads through the deck to the hull. A shaped balsa block is glued to the underside of the foredeck to accept the glued dowel when final fitting takes place.