Phase 6 & OCD
I have been refurbishing this Chris Foss designed Phase 6 for the past couple of months. I bought it for £30 and it came with 4 servo's and Pro and sport wings. The fuse was pretty soft and the rudder was a bit damaged. The psychedelic pink and lime green covering was looking very tired.
So the bulkheads were removed and replaced. A new servo tray and snakes were installed, the fuse was reinforced with GRP and expanding foam and the wings and fuse were rubbed down, filled and painted.
The maiden was good, the performance wasn't as good as the Rehab but it's early days. Whilst landing after it's flight as I think it needed slightly more nose weight I slowed her down too much about 4' off the ground and she tip stalled, did a heavy cartwheel dispensing bits of balsa over the headland. Total damage was a broken nose and too broken wing tips....ahhhhh