The wind was no more than 5mph and varying slightly in direction, on occasions the wind sock at the windward end of the course dropped completely. A shorter than usual standard starboard course was laid by Ian. Due to some good starts I managed to stay in the top end of the fleet to begin with. During the break the wind hadn't increased but was more constant, I put a bit more fullness in the main and brought the jib boom in slightly. If there was an improvement it was hardly noticeable. Three very poor starts (1 premature, 1 taken out by John who was on Port and the last just bad timing) and getting tangled with a finishing mark whilst in third position on the very last run put pay to a clean second place. I ended up sharing 2nd with Paul. Ray, who won convincingly was urged to get his new boat weighed as it is showing remarkable speed in near drifting conditions.
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