SMYC Christmas >(CRACKER)< Series

Results from the first of three Cracker Series races.  After each race a competitors handicap may change depending on their position in the previous race.  Individual race start handicaps were displayed on a peg board whilst the race result was recorded in the normal pen and paper fashion. 
The first 10 races were contested over a windward, leeward with gate course.  The racing was exciting and the gusty conditions ensured that I was kept very busy rowing to rescue the post race carnage.  In the end our Caribbean member made good a pipped me into first position.

The second race was almost a polar opposite of the previous Sunday.  The wind was from the reciprocal direction and strength!  But the racing was really enjoyable and places were exchanged on nearly every leg.  Harry had a good afternoon and his thumbs were certainly getting very accustomed to the sticks, perhaps a little too accustomed!

Harry, 80 in 2nd position during this heat and looking for a breeze

Sunday Jan 4th.  Race 3 of the Cracker series.  At the lake there was barely any wind at all.  It wasn't going to be the exciting finally one had hoped for!  A short course was layed and the 5 skippers started at various intervals dependent on their previous races handicap.  In just under 2hrs we had completed just 6 races but that was enough punishment.  Our Commodore arrived to lend his support and Rob's parents also spectated for a little while but at times watching paint dry could have been considered more interesting.  Although, racing is racing and it was close and at times tactical.  Harry found the conditions particularly challenging as he's used to a little more crash, bang, speeeeeeeed of a Play Station but he didn't give up and at least took something away with him in the form of a box of chocolates. The days Results are below:

The Overall Results, best two of three

Prize giving

Thanks to all the Competitors who entered and especially to Nigel for the organisation and Results