That's the current weight of theVertex hull when it came off the plug. It's been an interesting past few hours of this build. Last night I thought I had prepared the hull for it's last flow coat of resin. So this morning I mixed the usual 18ml of West Systems resin which works out just the right amount to cover the hull but I had a couple of millilitres left over. Not a problem as I normally use it up on spare sheets to make various parts. However, after returning home from work a quarter of the hull where I first started applying the resin was like an orange peel in texture. The remainder of the hull was looking very good. I was a bit gutted but life and especially modelling is full of ups and downs. As the resin was still tacky I thought I'd give the hull another filler coat. Another mix was soon ready but my favourite brush was still damp from being washed. A substitute brush was found but the resin was going on pretty thick so an additional mix was required to completely finish the hull. I cut some FG ready and waxed my kicker well plug to use up the excess resin so not much harm done.
The hull received this additional and un planned flow coat of resin but as a consequence of the different brush causing more than usual amount of resin being required. Or the first coat of the day not having cured quite enough a number of small ripples were apparent along the hull and will require some special sanding treatment. Oh well, I'm quite use to sanding.
This evening after a little bit of persuasion the hull released itself from the plug and like a new born went straight onto the scales. 223 grams is a respectable light weight but only 60 or so grams lighter than one of my balsa cored hulls which are probably a lot stiffer which is quite interesting!
The darker patches are where I've added small amounts of filler during the laminating
Hull shell and kicker well